Instructions for Step 2 of 4: Filling up Application Form


a)     Click on the link Application Form present on the horizontal menu bar at the top of the screen


b)     This opens up the “Application Form” Dialog Box in the middle of the screen.


c)     You have to fill up the initial validation fields shown, namely School Name, Student’s Name, Student’s Date of Birth and Registration No..  Please note that the details have to exactly match the information provided by you earlier (and which was emailed automatically to you on the completion of payment of Registration Fee of Rs. 25/-). To avoid any misspelling, you can copy and paste the field values from the email itself.


d)     You will now be presented with several sub-forms, containing both mandatory questions/responses and also optional ones, and the parent must carefully fill in the required information in each of these.


Some of the fields appear deactivated at first, and get activated depending on the response of the parent to a preceding question.

After every sub-form is filled, you have to click “Save & Continue” to get the next set of questions. The last sub-form has the “Final Submit” button which completes the filling up of the Application Form.


In case you wish to modify your answers to the questions in the various sub-forms that appear, you can always click the Back Button on each sub-form screen. However, please note that once you have clicked the “Final Submit” button, your application form cannot be edited anymore.


Please do also note that the online registration process is not complete till the 'Final Submit’ button is clicked, and the parent would have to restart the “Filling Up Application Form” process (by following the same series of steps), if the session is abandoned midway.

For your convenience, however, if you restart the “Filling Up Application Form” process, many of the sub-forms filled by you earlier (for which you had pressed ‘Save & Continue’ would show up pre-filled, and you can edit them if you need to.


e) Once the “Filling Up Application Form” process has been completed correctly, the message to this effect is displayed and you would have completed Steps 1 & 2 of 4.


You can now proceed to Step 3: “Download Filled Form” from the menubar on the home screen.